Sarah Elizabeth Grace - weird list
The Ghosts on My Journey
Rocketing down time’s road
Passing familiar rest stops & diversions
Sink holes
Sink holes that look like attractions
To say baggage is in the car would be cliche.
But the trunk is full. It won’t be unloaded.
Virtual boyfriends
Invisible friends
In my hand-held box.
Falling in love over face time.
Romantic notes, texts of affirmation.
Shower videos, body part pictures,
Singing Radiohead, stripping down naked,
Sharing songs via Spotify,
Voice notes via iMessage
You’re getting me past the Daddy issues
U-turns, the unlovable byways, the self-doubt traffic jams.
Why are they always men?
My female friends are cloistered away,
Waiting this out, self-healing & creating.
While you hands-on heal
And I go to places unknown.