Work with the familiar
Start with the list you made in "Ingredients" -- this will be the source material, the jumping-off-point for what you make next. Now, you will transform your list into a new creation / translate your list into a new medium.
Make a creation in your 'fluent' mode. That is, if you're a writer, you're going to write something. If you're a choreographer, you're going to choreograph something. A performer? You'll improvise a performance. Film something, photograph something, stop-motion-animate something. Let's see it.
The title of this something will be "Personal Ritual to Start Work" -- it will be 1-3 minutes in duration.
Let it include:
A tension between reverence and joy (maybe even silliness)
Repetition of a phrase or motif
At least one symbol
At least one of the following: darkness, music/sound, text from a found source, silence, surprise
What is the need, the hunger that is calling from your list? Let that drive your creation.
Put your phone on Do Not Disturb. Give yourself an hour. Make a thing.
Choose a way to document it. Share that documentation here (I hope!).